Mirela Kellner
Training and Business Coaching

in The middle

Middle managemenT.
Where The hearT beaTs.

The everyday tasks of middle management have always been a bit of a tightrope walk. There’s enough pressure bearing down on you because of your own role. Then there are conflicting interests and demands. Plus one decision to be taken after another, rushing by in the blink of an eye. It’s never been so intense.

I have been a specialist in dealing with this increasing level of complexity for many years. The training and coaching I offer helps people ‘sandwiched’ in middle management feel more centred in life, more in touch with their inner strengths, (re)invigorated and ready to go again – like they’ve topped up their batteries.

More about me and my background

Leading like a leader.
Sheer pleasure.

It always feels less of an effort when you’re good at something. It’s the same with leadership. Staying centred is always easier if you know which ropes to pull and which pulleys to activate.

There’s no standard recipe with this. So with your company, I’ll delve right in – to the heart of things – to grasp contexts and the immediate challenges you face in management.

By the end of the process, sitting at the helm feels right (again) – leaving you feeling centred and self-confident, now and in the future.

Classic supporT.
In a class of iTs own.

As a trainer and systemic business coach, I’ve been dealing with the unique challenges of middle management since 2008. Frequently, this has involved designing and moderating individual management training for start-ups, SMEs and corporations. As well as helping managers and groups by running individual and team coaching sessions, I’m also highly versed in leadership topics. So I tune into and appreciate the actual individuals in each role. Classic stuff really.

More about the support I offer

Leaders have many Things To lead.
Including conversaTions.

I look forward to getting to know you.


In person.

Whichever you prefer, I’m here to help.

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